Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A friend....:)

A friend is "a friend in need and a friend in deed" (hmm...i wonder if i got this idiom right please correct me if iam wrong ya..haha :P )

Recently i got to know a friend who is a really great person to talk too.Knew you for(since 25/06/2008) eight days le yeah.:).Though we have our difference but we laugh over it...A friend is hard to come by but when one comes along we got to treasure them..:) It's been really fun talking and all but all in all is the trust that is established in this friendship..and am really thankful hee..:)

When i first knew you it was pretty awkward cos we don't know each other..but one think that broke the barrier was i guess our laughter..(hee laughter goes a long way) every now and then i wonder if our friendship was gonna work out but you were patient enough to accept this and yet on the other hand assuring me that things will turn out fine..The thing is that you sang well too..:)so don't be shy just dare to like sing in front of friends when you go k box or something ya..:) jia you jai you jia youuuuuuuuuu!!!! YEah :) Keep music alive too..:) yeah! jia you,... (LOL The most funny thing is when u say you don't listen to English songs but you know John Lennon)That was really a surprise really amazed too..:) that's like cool hee..:O) yeah.. =P

Hee the many laughter that we had lol i remember there was one..where by we talk about our likes and dislikes lol we were the opposite haha...plus the high 5 "piak" haha...and so so many more...

Then we were like saying lol we had already like known each other for 10 years haha...:) so funny..but yeha it has been a great journey in this friendship...and i totally appreciate everything :) yeah hee ha no chai po in eggs but like water cake known as juai kuai,hee don't like egg white but like the yoke hee..:) just totally the opposite haha..:) so funny..:P hee
It's been really great through out this journey too yeah..:) I don't know must say hoe many thank yous to thank you..but i means alot..:) hee yeah

so in order to thank you i found this poem (hee actually should write one myself hor hee maybe later k? :P ) but his poem is for you hope u like it..:) in your favourite colour too yeah :O)
Yeah...though i make you angry but you were slow to anger and patient with me especially with my flaws and everything..Thank you so so much..WOrds can never describe how much this friendship means yeah a poem i found on the net...(hold on ah hee..:P )

Everyone should have a friend like you
You are so much fun to be with
And you are such a good person You crack me up with laughter
And touch my heart with your kindness
You have a wonderful ability
To know when to offer advice
And when to sit in quiet support
Time after time You've come to my rescue
And brighten so many Of my routine days
And time after time I've realized how fortunate am that my life includes you
I really do believe that
Everybody should have a friend like you
But so far it looks like You are one
of a kind!

hmmm..ok i try a poem lol (don't laugh ah haha..)

"a word goes a long way

a laughter breaks all shyness

a simple "hi" made a whole lot difference

and a strenght to keep saying "jiang hua" lol :P

made the conversation a whole lot easier"

hee hope it sounds ok..:) yeah and hope is ok..:P hee (lol lost for words haha.:) )

but all in all thank you for everything..:)

yeah...Dear people do treasure friends like this..Cos friends like these are hard to come by...

God Bless u my friend and also friends yeah....:)


PS:hee hope the things here i written is ok if anything must tell me ah..:) yeah thanks alot for reading too..:) yeah :O)

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