Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday till saturady..HappEning..:P

Hey hey..:)hope everyone's week been great..well For the past weekend has been happeing for me..:)
First is My bro's birthday celebrartion at The Screening Room yeah..:) it was fun here are some pictures..:)

ready?? Here goes hee..:)

<--this is a drink lol..:P
<---bros yeah..:)
<---My friend's I mac..:P hee yeah

<----An art hee..:P woops haha... =O)

<---me.. =P

This is day one after which we headed for some porriage as we were all hunger..:) ohoh happy birthday Bro..God Bless to yeah..:) Thanks for the invite too yeah..:)

After that i headed to my friends house for some games Ally and axis based on World War Two.It was really intresting..:) check out the game..:)

<----Don't it look real.. :) amazing game direct extract form history itself..:O)

Then is breakfast so tired n sleepy Yawn lol :P hee

<----Yummy and had a really good talk with my friend..Thanks alot bro for all u done..:)

That is all for the friday and saturday morning hee hope that everyone's doing well too..:) God Bless..:) yeah
The evening..:) haha yeah got to meet my secondary school friends for a time of karaoke session at chevrons..:) hee
it was a fun time yeah..:) We got to talk and laugh alot too..:) And had a great dinner and a good nice eveing stroll after our dinner yeah..:) a day to be appreciated..:) hee =)\
Pictures yeah..:)

<---This is us yeah..:) hee..:) Some hidding some posing haha it was fun yeah..:)
some candid moments haha..:) yeah..:)

more candid moments hee..:)

<---Dinner time hee we all ate the same food (it's from botak joans) yummy..:) woohoooo...:)
tHaT ended the night from saturday..:) been really tired haha..:) time to get some shut eye hee..:0) God Bless..:) anan *yawn* heee...:P see you next time yeah..:) Thanks so so much fro reading too yeah..:)

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