Friday, May 21, 2010

I passed...19/05/2010 Wednesday 0930hrs BBDC

On the 19 of May 2010..I finially did it...I finially passed my Driving test and got my licence to Drive after 4 attempts..It was a totally humbling experience for me...

I will Like to thank the following who had been there to encourage me

They are

  1. God
  2. Dad
  3. Mum
  4. Joel
  5. Zhen Wei
  6. Chucky
  7. Augustine
  8. Wee Chong
  9. Louis
  10. Prem (Iam sorry....)
  11. Lil sis
  12. Augustine
  13. Shu Min
  14. PJ
  15. Keith
  16. Alvin
  17. JY
  18. Jimmy Yap (intro by Chucky My driving instruction 1 year 3 months =) )

Thanks so much for just being there ohoh And Chucky for introducing Jimmy to me..My driving instructor....Thanks alot for this one year and three months..sorry to put you thru so many engine stalls and wide turing adn all that..It is all over now i apprecaite your gudience alot...

Thanks Chucky for being there too....And louis for your support and everyone who had pull me thru without you all i will be nothing..

dad took me for a ride..IT was scary will cover more on that iam tired...tiem to rest

God Bless you all....



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