Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Now i being to understand...What a considience..the song is playing in my I pod as i type guess waht the title of the song is "You got a friend in me" Just so as i was wanting to type or put my words of thoughts down....

Sometimes being able to type is not that bad after all....It put your mind to sleep and let somethings else take over be it the mind or the sub concious mind...Whatever we aclled it..

In office i expererience alot of things far more then what i did back then will it make me a stronger person or will it tear me to pieces...Sometimes people says it all within you..Do not laso the exterior counts?? Will it not also account for what's happeing overall??

I feel lost..25 years...Never once was i broken..this much...much lesser to primay a voice saying then DUN look back on the past there also another cvoice you cannot flare out..
It happened once in the army that changed my entire course in life in the army Just because of one stuipd incidient that i cannot control my temper..Just once..

In life ONCE is enough tto cahnge your entire life in or at whereever you are..

Why have i yet to learnt thios lesson..Peole tell me to have my own mind..When i do have They backofre self why?? why is the problem forever me??

How?? Why?? WHY ME!!!!Am i wrongh?? am i really realy wrong??

I hiope that this will never happen to me in futuer if it does I will die..cannot take this anymore....
Lord if you are really there please tell me...Am i really the courese of things in my life??
Am i always the one...Can i be able to sing that song So amazing that i found my inner voice??

I have heard my inner voice
And finally can rejoice
I was lost and way down
Never thought that I would be
Amazing but now I'm free
So you let go of love that's holding on
And you close your eyes
Never thought of being wrong
And you surrendered half your lifeTo a world of pain and sacrifice
But through it all, through it all
You make things right
Hopefully when i siing this song..The lyrcis will really mean waht it meant to me as from now ewhere i can never comprehen the meaing to these words....
These words will be left inside me..Till the day i can fully gaspe the true meaing...
Dear PG...Thanks for everything...
I now know waht you meant..but i guesss it is all to late already...
I promise i will not let your work go to waste...
I will show you that i can make it,
I dunno how but somehow i will
Wait for me...
Dun give on me just yet.....
I will be stronger this round...
I will remember the words you said to me...
Thank you Louis for everything...
For just being there...
god Bless

1 comment:

Ah Wei said...

Its never too late to change. Just be determined and prove to everyone that you can make it !! I look forward to that day to come :)