Tuesday, December 1, 2009

DnD part 2..

Hmm...Dinner and Dance it has always been known to me as fun and exciting...I guess is because I have yet to work during that time and i heard alot form my parents about how DnD are usually conducted and also being able to win prizes....

Until the monent I started work..Well i guess it is not so much about the prizes and not so much about speeches made by the CEO's and Bosses( thou their words may still at times help abit woops haha =P )

But it is more about the company the people around your table and the things that you are able to talk about.. ( hee just remb the right words to say ) hee... It was really fun for me thou at times i did not know waht was going on.. But it was lovely..

being able just to sit in a nice ambience and being able to have a lovely meal at a nice resturant.. Wow..I will not exchange anything for it... =)
Yeah My Colleague and I we are gonna have another DND of our own... A mini one...so look out for pictures haha... = ) so yeah here are the pictures for now.Hmm i wonder who will read this haha =P..just a few haha (cos i got no copy right haha.. =P ) here goes....

<== I will name this picture "the puting of many hands makes life easier thru stormy days "
Well this day finially life is going back to the usual in the office...as things are starting to calm down as compared to the may "dark" days that we had over the past two weeks...
I always believe many hands makes things work..and the unity of people compromising and helping makes us ride thru the waves....
Lets go guys!!! all the way last 50m to the finish line...GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless....
john =)

1 comment:

Louis said...

Wah lan ee, are u sure the food was really nice? Oh yah hor, I forgot 2 u, taogay is heavenly food liao, haha. Anyway, I am happy tt u enjoyed the D&D though there were "flaws", u know what I meant. I am sori I couldn't drink with u coz i need 2 stay awake 2 send "some1" home after the event. Well, I am planning our mini D&D 2 be held in early Jan. Hope u guys will enjoy.