Saturday, December 26, 2009


Wondering life..right from wrong wrong from right? what is the exact manual for life...if there is no religion involved? Will there still be the existant of God?
Many a times, we humans fail...even for myself...Despite telling me so many things that i should forefill...But in the end it all voice off to nothing?

So many years on...i tried ways and means to overcome things that i had set for myself..but what had i ended up with...Sadness and going back to old ways...

Christmas just passed thirteen hours ago....and here i am sitting here at my comp yet again..listening on hoe to save my i pod battery and all....silly dun it seems...

YEAR 2010 will life still be the same or a whole new cycle of life??

Jesus Light of the world! Peace and Joy and COMFORT are all in your hands.....Lord Guide us...Humans who fails in may ways Change our life for your Glory....
Been to orchard on Christmas eve... here are a few shots we took..... Especially the Christmas tree just outside Orchard Ion here goes....

This is the nicest Christmas tree in my eye in town..It speaks of hope and peace...
Well you may not agree with me and say that the one outside The Heeren is nicer cos that caught my eye too..but then again this is much grander....

Hmm what's inside this tree take a look.. =) My friends and I under or inside the tree..It's a whole new experience hee.. =)
May peace and love be upon this earth..
God Bless....Merry Merry Christmas.... =)

1 comment:

Louis said...

See, there is some1 who read ur blog w/o being told. Hvnt u jus made 2 BIG decisions recently? Buying the ipod touch and registering 4 CAT. This is a good start and I hope to c u do your best in the yr 2010. I believe your family and friends will pray 4 u. Take it easy. I am sure u can do it! Don't forget Louis Mak Tuition Sch is open 4 registration liao. Hv u reg? Haha.