Monday, May 18, 2009

Thankful.. :)

LAst saturady was a really nice and nervous day... Alvin and I went for our IPPT at Maju Camp at 0700hrs..We have been traing for some weeks now for this monent.. :P

We met really early in the 0620hrs then took bus 75 to the place...our first reaction upon seeing each other was we started to laugh and started talking about the 'GOod Old days ' back in the army and all...till we hit the IPPT topic...arggggggg but we still contuine laughing and then we had to walk the long way up to the camp..

We disturb the guards upon walking to the camp cos we were in their shoes couple of years back upon recalling kinda commecial haha... =P

we waited till around 0700hrs then we are able to enter the camp and realise we were not on the list argggg but the FI was still kind enought to let us in...

Hid our stuff in the locker and wahhhhh we alomst loss the previous code
Thankfully Alvin rembereb haha thanks so much bro...if not our things are gonna be stuck for good..haha...

then to take our id tags and all..
the Warrent officer briefed us he was so so so funny hahahahhahah like any other officers haha WOOPS hee... =P

He says we are like doing a TOTO draw with the incentives given to us if we did well

Alvin and i were scare....then IT ALL BEGUN!!!!!!!!

First up on the menu...
Sit Up- ARGGGGGGGGGGG till 34 cannot le hahah...we did well

Shutter Run- We did well too...

Chin-Up-We both did well too....


Failed the first time...our most fearful section of the 4 haha...
Thankfully he was kind enought to let mi ty the last time and got it phew....

LAst 2.4 KM arggggggggggggggg
we pushed each other on thou we are on different details...we passed...

went to "book out" happily...

we did not tok much after that we were both worne out....tired and thirsty and breathless....

sat the bus and then begun feeling better tok abit.laugh a bit...

then HOME SWEET HOME!!!! =) YEA!!!

Thanks alot Bro for this day and all....

Thank God too....

that all for now...
MY IPPT EXPERIENCE 2009 With Bro Alvin....

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