Tuesday, May 10, 2011

That broken sky

where he live

Ever taught the best it was

below him ton of people

hoping to catch a glimsph of him

Hoping they could be the very same as him

louis that who they call

who offten seems worry free

As the world speaks

he watered the earth

with his never ending tears

often seen as the shining star

now all comes to a big black star

coming on to see the world

he wrote a song of grieve

and shared with the longing world

each word and phrase

he scuptured it with hurt

as he place the words

he heart along with it


as the world awaits his gift

he in sorrow tear

Rain as what we precieve

was not much a blessing

rather then his broken heart

A poem

walking the walk all day long

seeing the roses and the pale blue sky

wondering what it's all about...

all scattered and frail

never seems to see the dawn of day

ever so the light shines on

in the dimming fading light he stayed

where are you

With the blue ocean deep

beyond the mountains' heights

where you find that broken sky

ever so wondering what's it is

stepping yet into the dawn of light

ever searching for the sky

never seems the fading light

ever loud the oceans screams

no matter how the lion roar

always seems to be

in the ever fading light

the voice in the crowd

here do he stand

offten seems no answers

till he reach the dock

the end

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunrise poem written by Me.. =)

This poem was written for a friend..Hope you guys like it... =)
As you light up the sky
the dark fades away
As you look at the world
thru your very eyes
You'll see a different beat that others don't
As they live on
As the days goes by
You are the light of the way
With every step you take
Not one monent will bring you down
Cos sunshine lights the way
When the world seems bleak
That little light
Shines forth the greyen sky
And turn the darkness into light
Like liliys in the fields
They wait for sun
To shine their joy
Waiting for the sun
To rise....
John Kho

Thursday, July 15, 2010

You're My World

You're My World
The Shelter From The Rain
You're The Pills
That Take Away My Pain
You're The Light
That Helps Me Find My Way
You're The Words
When I Have Nothing To Say
And In This World
Where Nothing Else Is True
Here I am
Still Tangled Up In You
I'm Still Tangled Up In You
Still Tangled Up In You

You're The Fire
That Warms Me When I'm Cold
You're The Hand
I Have To Hold As I Grow Old
You're The Shore
When I am Lost At Sea
You're The Only Thing
That I Like About Me
How Long Has It Been
Since This Storyline Began
And I Hope It Never Ends
And Goes Like This Forever
As i read my brother's blog.....My ipod played this song....As i was reading it...Alot of emotions stirred within me...It reminded me of the past...In NS life....how i went thru it...How the way i treated my brother...I sometimes wish i was there for him but sad to say I was not....
It is kinda sad when your mind tells you to do certain things but your body says no...
The Mind is willing but the flesh is weak...That for sure is me...
I somehow wondered...If i do the things i wanna do what my mind tells me to do...will i end up where iam today? If i heed the advice of my friends and everything and have a mind of my own will things be different today?
This song can be interpreted in many ways depending on how you feel about this song...It can be a love song it can also be a song to God it can also be a song to your close ones or just to that person that very spacial person...Whatever the interpretation...It is for you to find out....And to look deep within this lyrics... It is a simple song..nothing fanciful...
But just by the Words itself it speaks of volume...something deep that words cannot express and thru lyrics then it is able to be done so....
Sometimes simpliciality can be Beautiful...It can be the nicest thing on earth just by simple gesture or words...You dun have to use Big words.. i dunno where this post is literally going...
My mind just filled with emotions...Clips of memories are running thru my mind at this this point...This song has a deep impact on me...Loads of IF's
Of cos i will not say that this is the only song that touch me..there are many others but just this song...IT makes me wanna just sit down and listen to the singer...Not bothered by the outside world...Just listening like a little child...A child that has never seen this world a child that have yet to tasted the love..
Just being there listening...
Well i guess that sums up alot...This singer is Staind...Arron..
i can write an essay on this band...but that will be for another time...
God Bless

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

what Is going on?

For now things and the people around me are getting in problems...Sometimes i wonder is it due to the fact that iam the cause of it??
My brother arm got injured,my friend just resigned from work,the other still pending and the other investment not going well...

Why are all these things happening around me?? Sometimes i really dunno who the hell iam..Sometimes i wonder how can life for me be so smooth... I see things in a different light as compared to others i feel?

Songs leads me to where iam to wherre i will wanna be..there will always be a song for me...during these couple of months alot of songs spoke to me..i wish songs could be your comfort too..but i know different things works for each individual...

I wish my brother speedy recovery i know how much he wants this...

i dunno waht else to say God Bless..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just destory my earphone... =(

What a day what a day..hust madwe my earphones spoilt... =( Sign...Today dunno why everything seems so so damn wrong ARGGGGG...This round is not about feelings but circumstances around...have not been feeling at all good since this morning....

Again another new phase in life...Which i have to adapt..Never once in life i had so many changes in a short span of time..I know in all my problems mine is the least important and all..But how come i see it so heavily?? Where there are the times in which i really faced something that i cannot handle...All my struggles i can handle...it is how i see it i think?? is it not??

Today Aunty Florence last day...I dun feel happy at all..Not because of the work load (in a way yes i am scare of waht is to come but i belive with enough rest iam able to pick up..) but it is her presense in the office....Now there is one big hole in the middle between me and my boss...back to being a doughnut again....ARGGGgg this entire thing suck!!!

but then again i guess it is time for her to take life easy at this point of time...I wil still miss her moring greetings saying silly things to her and making her laugh...But now that she is no longer with the firm...i guess i have to laught to myself..and talk more to rashidah..

I have to learn the art of talking to myself alot... I have to feed my brains with alot of info of things to keep my mind from wondering be it music or anything else...i guess...
It is not going to be easy this round...Alot of things sounds alien to me at this point of time..iam back to square one but at the very least there is a curve in the square NOT totally square..Thasnkfully...Rb please be patient with me ok??

Thanks alot Florence too...And of cos Mummy...ops now then mention mummy ..

that so much to my life as at now...Loads of things to learn on monday but tt is for another day..and another time....

God Bless...have a happy holiday too.. =)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Leaving is heartache...No one will understand every individual...No one will be there in the quiet..No one will be there to understand...only in the silence of music..there will be that one song to guide you thru..

Is this a poem i don't know is this is a song it is not...is this something that is in my mind? Yes..The songs that went thru...So many things happened within a shot span of time say 3 months...

But what can we do?? This is life we got to move on?
Sh** another Emo post aagin...sign..why is this so?? So very Arggggggg

stop here dunn o waht to say le....

tk gd care