Thursday, May 29, 2008

S.H.E :)

This is one of my favourite chinese group :)
Introduce to me by my friends thou in the past i was'nt a fan of them ]\
*neither i knew they exist :P *
But as time goes by i got influence by friends and found out that they rock!!
Their songs are nice and touching as they lyrics says it all..
Of cos i like many others to but i know that music is a door to many things..
All the best S.H.E and the many artist and musicians doing what they love best making music..:)


In the mist of hardship that humans are facing,the natural disasters and many where a simple handshake can mean so so much..The signs of compassion and tears that are genuine never falis to let us see the other side of human nature that will warm the hearts of many others.Though not directly affected and we can never understand what it really means to be there.But one things for sure that draws us to them is compassion for the people there...

May we hope the very best for them and keep the faith.....Thanks JJ lin jun jie for writing a song of hope and love for the people who are suffering..God Bless..

Words of a general...

Extracted from Band of brothers

"Men,it's been a long war,it's been a tough war,you have fought bravely,proudly for your conutry,you'er a special group,who have found in one another a bond,that exist only in combat,among brothers,of shared foxholes,held each other in dire monents,who've seen death and suffered together.I'am proud to have served with each and everyone of you.You deserved long and happy lives"

This words made me think alot about war and the effect of the aftermath......God Bless everyone....